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Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 9:43 PM
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flying off to taiwan in a few hours time.

well, really dunno what to do now. both my parents are resting nw so that they can send me off to the airport later. appreciated.

will be back on 24 nov!

hmm. well. i do feel lost in my life sometimes. yawns.

i will spend some time finding myself back. perhaps when im back in singapore.

Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 9:10 AM
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281010. just woke up in camp. time to wake up is 9am. but apparently, everyone is sleeping. haha.

well. i still feel a little unwell though. however, the feeling of vomitting is currently absent. hopefully it won't surface any time soon.

hmmm. i need to buck up on my combat fitness now. it is stopping me from performing, damn. i need more training! movement in FBO nearly killed me. shoulder still aching nw. yawns. i know i can do better.

well. off to cleaning arms!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 9:48 PM
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time is really flying very slow these few days.

i want to go to taiwan now. i want to train!

hmm. sometimes it can get really bored.

i guess the best thing in life is to have sufficient rest. seriously. i want to sleep now badly, but haven't had RO.

come on. come on. i want sweet dreams.

sian. i really ranting nonsense here.

but this is ain't nonsense. i miss my family.

Monday, October 11, 2010 - 7:01 AM
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i apologise for not blogging after coming back from brunei! i've been very busy enjoying life till i forgot about thanking everyone that pull me through that tough 9 days. well, JCC would not have been possible with the help of my tango, 17. they are truly the best. the bonds we shared during the 9 days are unforgettable. all thanks to them, i attained what i aimed for.


also, i would like to thank God for bringing me through that tough 9 days. when i feel like giving up, you are the one that pick me up and push me on. i thank you for everything you have given it and i really appreciate it when i know that there is always someone behind me, supporting me. all would not be possible without you. thank you, my Lord.

last but not least, i like to thank my family for being my motivation during the 21 days in brunei. i really want to thank my parents for making the effort to send me off and pick me up from the airport during my departure and arrival at the airport. they also took care of me when i was back from brunei, sick with fever up to 39 degrees. definitely, i miss my sister a lot too. 21 days of peace with no nonsense is boring. haha!

hmm. 1 week of break + att c has allowed me to rest fully already. well. about 2 more months of training more before commission. press on!

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:31 PM
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well well well. 4 days of holidays finally come to an end! hmm. not really. still got another 6 hours or so. haha. i am glad that army has given us a four days break before we go to brunei to have our training. JCC JCC JCC. i spent my time with my family and friends well and i really enjoy it. i'm sorry i cannot spend my time with everyone, but i promise to make time for you guys when i am back alright? =)).

definitely, my aim for this trip is to achieve my JCC badge. i have worked hard and trained hard for past 1 month or so to prepare myself for the worst in JCC. thus, i am physically and mentally prepared to face any challenge. well, though i yearn to earn this badge badly, i will never compromise my safety or integrity just to get it. so to my friends and family, i will come back to singapore safely on the 3rd october. so don't worry! i will take care of myself.

hmm. this trip will definitely be a learning experience for me. what i going to experience there is probably once in a lifetime thing. so i am going there to enjoy it.

well, i don't want to make this post so emotional. not as if i not going to come back at all. LOL.

ROAR. i will do my best. and definitely my very best. like what my dad always say, do your best. you will never regret. REN.

faith not fear.

Thursday, September 02, 2010 - 2:44 PM
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confined this weekend once again.

for what? more training! wing com thinks we need more training to toughen ourselves up for JCC which is going to start in approx. 1 and half week time.

well, train train train. practice makes perfect.

i can do it. JCC. here i come.

Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 1:25 PM
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hmm. i enjoy every weekend at home. even though it is just a mere one day thing, but at least i know i'm safe. there isn't a need to think about whether i am able to wake at at 5.15am to prepare to fall in. i would say i can really rest well at home.

secondly, the only reason i yearn for a book out is because of my family. i will definitely devote my time to them. i miss talking to my dad, my mum's food and my sister laughter. well, you don't really get to hear, eat and listen to all of those.

hmm. 6 months in NS alr. and i am still feeling the same way. well, i guess it has really changed how i think. at least i am planning in every stage of my life. and i know there isn't time to waste outside. going through NS alone without a partner makes me feel really bored sometimes. i envy those with gf, someone who they could talk to. nevertheless, i think i would not have time with her even if i have one. LOL. so best to be independent for now.

like what my dad always say, you need to be strong and independent. you are a guy.

haha! lame reasoning but it do sound true. =))